Khana Khane Ke Darmiyan Ki Dua

In the hustle and bustle of mealtimes, we often focus on the deliciousness of the food, forgetting the divine bounty that allows us to enjoy it. For Muslims, the tradition of reciting khana khane ke darmiyan ki dua (supplication during meals) adds a layer of mindfulness and gratitude to the act of eating.

This beautiful dua, also known as the mid-meal prayer or Islamic supplication between bites, serves as a powerful reminder that sustenance is a blessing, not a guarantee. Let’s explore the significance of this dua and how it can elevate your dining experience.

Beyond the First Bite: The Need for Khana Khane Ke Darmiyan Ki Dua

While the khana khane ki dua (pre-meal prayer) expresses initial thankfulness, the khana khane ke between ki dua serves a distinct purpose. It allows us to:

  • Express Ongoing Gratitude: As we savor different flavors and textures throughout the meal, we can intermittently express our appreciation to Allah (SWT) for His continued provision.
  • Maintain Mindfulness: Reciting the dua during a meal helps us slow down, appreciate the food, and avoid overeating.
  • Share Blessings: This dua reminds us of those less fortunate and encourages us to share our bounty with others.

The Power of Words: The Khana Khane Ke between Ki Dua

There are various authentic versions of the Khana Khane Ke Darmiyan Ki Dua. A common and complete one is:

بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ اَوَّلَهُ وَآخِرَهُ
(Bismillahi awwalahu wa akhirahu)
In the name of Allah at its beginning and its end.

This concise dua is packed with meaning. It starts with Bismillah (In the name of Allah), a powerful expression that acknowledges the divine source of our sustenance.

khana khane ke darmiyan ki dua

Beyond the Recitation: The Heart of the Dua

The true essence of Khana Khane Ke Darmiyan Ki Dua lies in the intention behind it. When recited with sincerity and awareness, it becomes a bridge between us and our Creator.

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Integrating Khana Khane Ke between Ki Dua into Your Meals

Making Khana Khane Ke Darmiyan Ki Dua a part of your meal routine is a simple yet impactful way to:

  • Deepen your connection with Allah (SWT): Acknowledge His blessings throughout the meal.
  • Practice mindfulness: Savor each bite and avoid mindless eating.
  • Cultivate gratitude: Develop an attitude of appreciation for all that you have.
  • Set a positive example: Inspire others, especially children, to appreciate Allah’s blessings.

Start a Tradition: Sharing the Khana Khane Ke between Ki Dua

Teaching children the Khana Khane Ke between Ki Dua is a beautiful way to instill Islamic values and traditions from a young age. It fosters a sense of thankfulness for food and encourages mindful eating habits.


Khana Khane Ke between Ki Dua is more than just words spoken between bites. It’s a powerful reminder of Allah’s (SWT) generosity and a call to appreciate every morsel on our plates. By incorporating this simple dua into your meals, you can transform a routine act into a mindful and spiritually enriching experience.

What is Khana Khane Ke Darmiyan Ki Dua and why is it important?

The Khana Khane Ke Darmiyan Ki Dua, also known as the Islamic prayer between bites or mid-meal supplication, is a beautiful dua recited during a meal. It goes beyond the initial thankfulness expressed before eating and allows you to continuously express gratitude throughout your meal.
This simple dua reminds us that sustenance is a gift from Allah (SWT) to be cherished, not taken for granted. Regularly reciting it fosters mindfulness and a deeper appreciation for food.

How do I recite the Khana Khane Ke between Ki Dua?

There are different versions of the dua, but a common one is:
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ حَلَقَ وَرَزَقَ (Alhamdulillah hallaqa wa razaqa) (All praise is due to Allah, Who created and provided)
You can simply recite this dua during your meal, between bites or whenever you feel a surge of thankfulness for the delicious food. For a more comprehensive Islamic mealtime etiquette, you can explore other supplications recited before and after meals.

Can I teach my children the Khana Khane Ke between Ki Dua?

Absolutely! Teaching your children the Khana Khane Ke Darmiyan Ki Dua is a wonderful way to instill Islamic values and traditions from a young age. It encourages mindful eating habits and helps them develop a sense of gratitude for the blessings in their lives. You can use fun and interactive methods like making it a family tradition or incorporating it into mealtime songs to make learning the dua enjoyable for them. This can be a great way to introduce them to broader Islamic teachings on gratitude and provision.

Atif Khan is a seasoned Islamic scholar from Pakistan, with 15 years of dedicated experience in Islamic studies and education. At 38 years old, Atif has immersed himself in a wide range of Islamic literature, having read and studied numerous books that have deepened his knowledge and understanding of the faith.

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